Wild Spirituality and Conversation on Racism Meet at Sister Grove Farm


Hello friends in compassionate conversation,

I am participating in a year-long Wild Spirituality program, learning how to be a Wild Guide. As a Wild Guide, I believe we find healing and guidance by spending time on the land.  I believe a deep connection to the land is the way forward for our human species to survive.

               As part of this Wild Spirituality program, I am inviting people onto the land to discover healing with the land, with their own lives, with each other and with God.  Below is my first attempt at an offering.  I am looking for participants who can come and learn with me and move toward healing. The area of healing I want to address is racism. 

 I have done work in racism for the last 10 years.  I hear from white bodies that we wish it would just go away.  I hear from black bodies that they deal with racism every day, and they wish white bodies would do the deep soul work that is needed for healing.  

The fear, defensiveness and desire for racism to go away, is evidence of the deep soul work that needs to be done by white bodies. 

As a Wild Guide, I want to bring these two together – white bodies out on the land doing some deep soul work around racism.  

We will spend some time listening to one another, 

asking hard questions about whiteness,

walking the land, 

being present to what is, 

seeing what rises up. 

With the land’s help, we can build our capacity to be present in this difficult issue. 

 I will have this first-time offering Saturday, March 15 at Sister Grove Farm in Van Alstyne from 2-6. There will be a $20 entry fee per person into Sister Grove Farm. You will want to bring this payment with you.

If you are interested, please email Clay Brantley or complete the registration below.

Join the Experience

Hello friends in compassionate conversation,

I am participating in a year-long Wild Spirituality program, learning how to be a Wild Guide. As a Wild Guide, I believe we find healing and guidance by spending time on the land.  I believe a deep connection to the land is the way forward for our human species to survive.

               As part of this Wild Spirituality program, I am inviting people onto the land to discover healing with the land, with their own lives, with each other and with God.  Below is my first attempt at an offering.  I am looking for participants who can come and learn with me and move toward healing. The area of healing I want to address is racism. 

 I have done work in racism for the last 10 years.  I hear from white bodies that we wish it would just go away.  I hear from black bodies that they deal with racism every day, and they wish white bodies would do the deep soul work that is needed for healing.  

The fear, defensiveness and desire for racism to go away, is evidence of the deep soul work that needs to be done by white bodies. 

As a Wild Guide, I want to bring these two together – white bodies out on the land doing some deep soul work around racism.  

We will spend some time listening to one another, 

asking hard questions about whiteness,

walking the land, 

being present to what is, 

seeing what rises up. 

With the land’s help, we can build our capacity to be present in this difficult issue. 

 I will have this first-time offering Saturday, March 15 at Sister Grove Farm in Van Alstyne from 2-6. There will be a $20 entry fee per person into Sister Grove Farm. You will want to bring this payment with you.

If you are interested, please email Clay Brantley or complete the registration below.

Hello friends in compassionate conversation,

I am participating in a year-long Wild Spirituality program, learning how to be a Wild Guide. As a Wild Guide, I believe we find healing and guidance by spending time on the land.  I believe a deep connection to the land is the way forward for our human species to survive.

               As part of this Wild Spirituality program, I am inviting people onto the land to discover healing with the land, with their own lives, with each other and with God.  Below is my first attempt at an offering.  I am looking for participants who can come and learn with me and move toward healing. The area of healing I want to address is racism. 

 I have done work in racism for the last 10 years.  I hear from white bodies that we wish it would just go away.  I hear from black bodies that they deal with racism every day, and they wish white bodies would do the deep soul work that is needed for healing.  

The fear, defensiveness and desire for racism to go away, is evidence of the deep soul work that needs to be done by white bodies. 

As a Wild Guide, I want to bring these two together – white bodies out on the land doing some deep soul work around racism.  

We will spend some time listening to one another, 

asking hard questions about whiteness,

walking the land, 

being present to what is, 

seeing what rises up. 

With the land’s help, we can build our capacity to be present in this difficult issue. 

 I will have this first-time offering Saturday, March 15 at Sister Grove Farm in Van Alstyne from 2-6. There will be a $20 entry fee per person into Sister Grove Farm. You will want to bring this payment with you.

If you are interested, please email Clay Brantley or complete the registration below.

Clay Brantley continues to keep the Conversation on Racism current. This is a next step for those who have participated before. Check out other offerings Clay has offered at Retreat House.

Stepping into Spring: Stillness Retreat
Gratefulness Gatherings (Third Tuesdays, each month)
The Art of Memoir
Flute Meditation on First Wednesdays
Spirituality of Aging: From Role to Soul