The Art of Memoir


Have you been curious about writing a memoir? You’ll love this six-week course. Gretchen Martens, RH Covenant Partner, Editor and Publisher of our own “House of…” books, will be teaching a six-week series called The Art of Memoir. Sessions will tke place on Zoom.
Dates: April 7 - May 19 7-8:30 p.m. Central Time

Register Here

Have you been curious about writing a memoir? You’ll love this six-week course. Gretchen Martens, RH Covenant Partner, Editor and Publisher of our own “House of…” books, will be teaching a six-week series called The Art of Memoir. Sessions will tke place on Zoom.
Dates: April 7 - May 19 7-8:30 p.m. Central Time

Have you been curious about writing a memoir? You’ll love this six-week course. Gretchen Martens, RH Covenant Partner, Editor and Publisher of our own “House of…” books, will be teaching a six-week series called The Art of Memoir. Sessions will tke place on Zoom.
Dates: April 7 - May 19 7-8:30 p.m. Central Time

By the end of this course, you will create a memoir outline and a game plan for completingyour memoir
Week 1:Framing Your Piece of Memoir
Week 2: The Call to Transform
Week of April 21 - Catch Up and Wild Week
Week 3: Crossing into the Abyss
Week 4: The Return
Week 5: The Mechanics of Memoir
Week 6: Bonus Session and Q&A

Standard Tuition: $120 for full course, materials, and ongoing access.
Enhanced Tuition of $200 for the course PLUS a 60-minute one-to-one consultation.
All registration includes a donation to Retreat House.

Morning Two-Step: Forest Bathing and Morning Altars
from $40.00
Soulful Art - Zentangle with Tonya (June 25)
Writers' Gathering- 2nd Fridays (online only)
Soulful Art - Contemplative Painting with Clay Brantley (May 21)
Pause - Pray - Ponder (Saturday April 5)