Compassionate Listening|Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is taking a long loving look at what is real in life, seeking freedom from bondage, savoring and celebrating with God to seek deeper meaning and purpose in life.  – Rev. Dr. Lil Smith 

Also known as holy listening and sacred companioning,
spiritual direction is a practice by which a trained spiritual guide (director)
sits with a pilgrim (directee) listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit. 

The house directors at Retreat House are trained, and experienced spiritual directors who meet with individuals and small groups by appointment. House directors are independent professionals. Please contact the individual director for an appointment. Fees and agreements are set by the individual house director. Additional information for each director may be found in the Spiritual Directors International Seek and Find Guide. If you are a Spiritual Director seeking supervision, click here.

If you are seeking a spiritual director, Spiritual Directors International has a good list of questions to help you with this new relationship. Please spend time looking through the Retreat House Spiritual Directors Page.

Spiritual Direction Fees:  Spiritual direction fees vary per individual director. A sampling of directors reveals the average norm: $50-125 sliding scale, $50 clergy, $25 students

Supervision for Spiritual Directors: Andre Rublev’s Trinity icon is frequently used to describe the relationship between director, directee, and the Holy. The director/directee relationship is sacred and ordained by God. Supervision Fees: $70-90 sliding scale. If you are a Spiritual Director seeking supervision, click here.

Group Facilitated Peer Supervision Groups:  $100 per semester. New directees added in January and July. For additional information on supervision groups, contact Lil Smith.


Andre Rublev’s Trinity icon is frequently used to describe the relationship between director, directee, and the Holy. The director/directee relationship is sacred and ordained by God.


In spiritual direction, discovery is celebrated when creation emerges from chaos.