Weekly Message

This photo of a variety of seeds is from the Sacred Valley, Peru. 

Cultivating Seeds of Knowledge 

I was blessed to take on a new student, a seeker of knowledge and direction . The lady said she has been reluctant to take this step as she was afraid  if she will find a teacher who would be able to embrace her with her ignorance and questions that she was not sure even made sense.

We started our journey by keeping the process of nature in mind when cultivating the land. We are working on the process of softening the heart, sowing the seed and taking care of it by feeding, weeding and protecting our cultivation! It is showing results already, and we are excited for this journey!

Hope the soil of our hearts is prepped and sprouting new seeds this spring!

Shazia Anwar, RHBOD

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Prompt: What is your relationship to the practice of emptying?
A new writer’s prompt will be offered on the Writing Prompts Blog each week. Have you experienced writing in community. It is such a gift!

Writing Prompt

Prompt: The bark on the trees is always changing. I wonder what you see today?
A new artist prompt will be offered on the Art Blog each week. Have you experienced gazing upon art in community. It is such a gift!

Art Prompt

RH Partners are cultivators growing compassion in the world. Check out some of the offerings that might stir your soul.

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