Sacred Embrace
By Regina Hunt
A feeling rising from deep within
most surprising places.
Belonging in this space
letting my guard down
being my true self
the person I am called to be.
Fully alive in newly discovered places
welcome washes over me.
I am at peace.
A beckoning to sit, stay awhile,
soak up the beauty
of this moment
then tuck it inside
my deepest recesses
to revisit again and again.
Soul and senses fully alive.
high energy and serene calm co-exist
lovingly honoring each other
in resonance and mutual respect
A room envelops in love
from the moment of arrival.
Warm firelight
flickering candles
or lantern glow
the feeling of lightness
of truth
the Holy in the moment.
Sacred Embrace was written by Regina Strader Hunt and originally published in Retreat House Spirituality Center’s 9th book in the House of series House of Comfort. You can learn more and purchase here.