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DEADLINE: 11/22: Writing & Artwork for House of Wonder Now Being Accepted

  • Retreat House Spirituality Center 110 Mimosa Drive Richardson, TX 75080 United States (map)

Your writing and artwork for our December, 2024 book, House of Wonder, is now being accepted for submission to Gretchen Martens, our Editor Extraordinaire. If you’ve always wanted to be a published author and didn’t know what to do next, or if you’ve been included in our House of…” books in the past, or even if you’ve never imagined yourself as an author - but you have something to. share about WONDER, you’re in the right space.

All submissions are due no later than November 22 to be considered for this new book.Here is more information and you can always contact Gretchen here with any questions or for more information.

House of Wonder Accepting Submissions through Friday, November 22, 2024
Reveal and Holiday Celebration at Retreat House : Friday, December 13, 2024

Can you believe we are publishing our 19th book? Submissions may speak to one or more themes.
Essays are limited to 2700 words. Artwork is limited to high-resolution (600 dpi) grayscale photographs or photographs of original artwork. Full color photo submissions for cover art are welcome.

  • House and Home: What does it mean to feel at home? Is home a building, a place, a community? Is it a relationship with God or Self or the natural world? What is the relationship between house, home, and faith? In what ways are you grateful for this sense of house and home?

  • Wonder: What does wonder mean to you? Why does wonder matter? How does wonder manifest in your life—connection to your body, to Self, to others, to the natural world, to God?

  • Wonder and the Natural World: When do you experience wonder in the natural world? Is there a difference between the majesty of the Tetons and the daisy that has poked her up among the gravel on your driveway?

  • Wonder and God or Spirituality: What causes wonder in your spiritual life? Is wonder different from awe? Is wonder the same in group worship and private prayer?

  • Wonder and Family: Do you have a story about a child, spouse, parent, or other relative who inspired awe in you? Perhaps it was finding out you were pregnant, meeting your newborn, or watching a loved one draw their last breath. 

  • Photos: We love family or personal photos that relate to your stories! We can do some basic retouching for old photos, and we’ll send you a copy. We can’t use photos from the internet because, as published books, we have to be careful with copyrighted works.

 Author Fee of $100 defrays the publication cost and entitles authors and artists to up to 10 books; additional books may be pre-ordered at the author rate of $5 per book. After the initial print run, books are $10. Discount for first-time authors: $50 fee.

 Scholarships are available on a first come-first served basis by contacting Lil Smith ( Scholarships must be approved before you submit. Receiving a scholarship in the past does not guarantee receiving a scholarship for this book. Donations to the scholarship fund or full author sponsorships are gratefully accepted.

 Ready to submit? Questions on submitting? Nervous as a first-time author? Want to be taken off the list? Contact Gretchen Martens, our friendly editor, at

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Common Ground Interfaith Discussion: Navigating Darkness

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