
Soulful Art: Creating decorative Journals (LIMITED SPACE - two sessions)

We love expressing ourselves through artistic creativity - even those of us who don’t consider ourselves “artists.” As the name of our art studio expresses, it’s all about The Artist Within. That’s why people love our Soulful Art monthly gathering. Join us on March 26, as Sandy Hammond guides us in creating our own personal and customized journals.Whether you use it for writing, for doodling, or even as a gift, we know you won’t want to miss this day of artistic expression and creating.

Reminder: Due to popular requests, we’ve added sessions to Soulful Art. We now begin with a morning session, break for lunch, and continue with an afternoon session. Come for one or both. Have some Souper Soul Soup for lunch with us too.
Save your seat for one or both sessions here.

Join us Wednesday, March 26 as we have an encore of one of our favorite Soulful Art sessions. Sandy Hammond will be guiding us in creating and decorating personalized, custom-made journals.They’re so fun to create and we’re excited to see yours. Whether you fill it with your writings, clips and quotes from others, doodles - or even if you make it as a gift for someone, you’re surely going to love this day. Two different sessions - you may come to one or both — just be sure to let us know so we have supplies for you.

Donation of $10 requested for supplies.

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SouperSoul Lunch

SouperSoul Lunch

SouperSoul Lunch Every Wednesday

Each Wednesday soup’s on at RH as we gather lunch (12:30 pm) and a contemplative practice (check the calendar each week). If you have time to pre-plan, please sign up. If you come at the last minute, this is okay, too! We hope to see you soon at RH.

Volunteers bring a vegan soup with bread options including GF. Soup makers are always needed. You are welcome to cook at the house or bring it by Noon. To sign up for a day to make soup, please email us.

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Flute Meditation and Prayer (at Noon)

At noon on the first Wednesday of the month, Judy Annis brings flutes and an assortment of other beautiful instruments to Retreat House. Together we share special time in prayerful meditation, with poetry, other writings, and music that accompanies the contemplative themes of the day. After, we join together for Souper Soul lunch. No cost.

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Creating in Stillness with Sandy Centeno

Join us Wednesday, April 2, from 1:00-3:00, for an afternoon of creating art, as RH Intern, Sandy Centeno, brings her education background to our spiritual practices. We will create with unique tools and color, setting an intention as we create in The Artist Within. There is no charge for this program, but we do request registration.  Reserve your space for this special

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The Art of Memoir: A Six-Session Series

Do you have a story that you’d like to share as a memoir? Are you curious about what it takes to bring a memoir to life? If you’re at all curious about writing a memoir, you won’t want to miss this exciting 6-part opportunity with our in-house Editor and Publisher, Gretchen Martens. Gretchen has been a RH Covenant Partner and the editor of our House of book series. Now it’s your opportunity to learn with her, beginning April 7 (through May 19. Details below.

Full details and registration here.

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Writers' Gathering - (Online - Open to All)

Have you been wondering what it feels like to be a published author? Have you wondered how to tap into your own writing super powers? Do you have something you’ve written that you’d like to share in a special supportive and beautiful community of writers just like you? Join us for this month’s Writer’s Gathering. We are preparing for our April 20 due date for submissions to House of Kindness, our next book. We’d love you to be part of it!

We all have a story to share. As writers of stories, we enjoy sharing our journeys, thoughts, ideas, struggles, and “aha"s. Writers often compose in solitude but get energy, inspiration, and insight when we meet in community with other writers. In this special gathering, we have the opportunity to discuss what we are writing, why we are writing, where our hopes and struggles are, and who we are when we write. No experience is necessary to join us. This Writers’ Gathering is for all writers in all genres - beginner, novice, experienced. It is not the intent of this gathering to offer criticism but a holy space of giving and receiving. Contact Gretchen Martens, our facilitator, for more information.

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InterSpiritual Meditation | A Monthly Gathering

Jackie Linden Schade, pastor, spiritual director and trained ISM facilitator joins Fran Shelton, author, pastor and spiritual director, bringing InterSpiritual Meditation to our Retreat House community monthly.

ISM brings ancient teachings to modern day, allowing individuals space for personal practice.
Open to all. There is no cost to participate, though we do suggest a donation which can be made when you attend; your generosity allows us to continue offering programs like these.

We will gather in person at Retreat House, 2nd Sunday of each month, 5-7 p.m.

Our next gathering is Sunday, December 7. Questions or RSVP here.

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Grateful Gathering with Richard Mickelson

Retreat House is thrilled to begin offering Grateful Gatherings, facilitated by Richard Mickelson. We will gather on Tuesday mornings, from 10:30 until Noon, in person at Retreat House. Sharing and discussion will take place in a sacred circle of community.

What are Grateful Gatherings?
Grateful Gatherings are an opportunity to join others as we explore the transformative possibilities of grateful living, and discover greater meaning, purpose, and joy in our lives. Informed by spiritual wisdom, scholarship, and scientific research, the Gatherings provide community connection, invigorating reflection and conversation, and practical tools for living a meaningful and flourishing life.

When Will They Take Place?
Grateful Gatherings will take place every month on the third Tuesday or the month, from 10:30 - noon, at Retreat House.

Why Grateful Gatherings?
Living gratefully helps you navigate the joys and difficulties that accompany life. This is not an exercise in avoiding the hard stuff you experience by pretending things are okay when they are not. Instead, living gratefully is being fully present to your life so that your perspective can be expanded, your compassion enhanced, and your purpose discovered in this moment. This is what makes every day more meaningful.

Tell Me More:
The Gatherings will be hosted by Richard Mickelson, a trained facilitator in Grateful Gatherings, by Grateful Living organization. We will utilize robust materials provided by the Grateful Living organization ( The gathering is open to anyone seeking inspiration, resources, and fellowship for living life with purpose and joy.

About Grateful Living
The Grateful Living organization supports daily life during challenging and joyful time with programs, resources, and skills for being more fully alive. They have a revolutionary spirit like their founder, the internationally beloved “Grandfather of Gratitude,” Br. David Steindl-Rast. They are a global nonprofit organization that empowers people to live meaningful lives through the transformative practice of grateful living.

For additional information, contact Richard at on

Gratefulness Gatherings - 3rd Tuesdays
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Harp and Prayerful Meditation

Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, as we welcome Patsy to lead us in harp meditation and prayer at noon.
We gather at Noon, share poetic and prayerful readings and sit in the splendor of Patsy’s harp. Reserve a seat.

Settle into a mid-week break as we come together on THIRD Wednesdays at Noon, for a delightful harp-meditation-prayer gathering at RH. We are thrilled to have Patsy Sadowski join us in person each month, setting a contemplative tone at noon. When we finish, stay a while and enjoy the delicious Souper Soul soup and conversation that happens every Wednesday.

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Stepping into Spring: Stillness Retreat

Half-Day Stillness Retreat, Crossing the Threshold from Winter to Spring

Join us for a special Friday, as we welcome the first day of Spring at Retreat House. Sherry Ward and Karen Hoffman will be guiding you through a half-day retreat as we cross the threshold from Winter to Spring. We will have time to pause, reflect and refresh for the new season. Patsy will be joining us for a special day of playing harp with our theme of Stepping into Spring. Advanced registration is required. Your day includes activities, stillness, reflection time, sharing, creative arts time and lunch. $30 registration fee.

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Common Ground: Interfaith Conversation and Lunch

Mark your calendar for Third Thursdays each month where we gather over a delicious lunch and share stories, insights and traditions around a theme - through the lived experiences and teachings of various faiths. In March, we will be discussing how fasting is part of many religious practices and cultures. We will explore stories, experiences and questions. As one of our regular programs, Common Ground speaks to our Core Values of Brave Vulnerability, Cultivation, Chesed, Cross Pollination and the sharing of Sacred Stories.

This month, Anisa Adem will be preparing a very special lunch for our community. Many will be observing Ramadan and while fasting during the day, they will have opportunity to take this homemade meal home for breaking of the fast at sundown.

No Cost - Please let us know you’re joining us with your  RSVP .here.

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Souper Soul Lunch

Souper Soul Lunch

SouperSoul Lunch Every Wednesday

Each Wednesday soup’s on at RH as we gather lunch (12:30 pm) and a contemplative practice (check the calendar each week). If you have time to pre-plan, please sign up. If you come at the last minute, this is okay, too! We hope to see you soon at RH.

Volunteers bring a vegan soup with bread options including GF. Soup makers are always needed. You are welcome to cook at the house or bring it by Noon. To sign up for a day to make soup, please email us.

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Harp and Prayerful Meditation

Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, as we welcome Patsy to lead us in harp meditation and prayer at noon.
This month, in honor of the seasons of Lent and Ramadan, our readings and music will be especially reflective in nature.

Settle into a mid-week break as we come together on THIRD Wednesdays at Noon, for a delightful harp-meditation-prayer gathering at RH. We are thrilled to have Patsy Sadowski join us in person each month, setting a contemplative tone at noon. When we finish, stay a while and enjoy the delicious Souper Soul soup and conversation that happens every Wednesday.

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Wild Spirituality and Conversation on Racism Meet at Sister Grove Farm on March 15

Wild Spirituality and Conversation on Racism Meet at Sister Grove Farm on March 15

Clay Brantley continues to keep the Conversation on Racism current. This is a next step for those who have participated before. Check out other offerings Clay has offered at Retreat House.

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Writers' Gathering - (Online - Open to All)

Have you been wondering what it feels like to be a published author? Have you wondered how to tap into your own writing super powers? Do you have something you’ve written that you’d like to share in a special supportive and beautiful community of writers just like you? Join us for this month’s Writer’s Gathering.

We all have a story to share. As writers of stories, we enjoy sharing our journeys, thoughts, ideas, struggles, and “aha"s. Writers often compose in solitude but get energy, inspiration, and insight when we meet in community with other writers. In this special gathering, we have the opportunity to discuss what we are writing, why we are writing, where our hopes and struggles are, and who we are when we write. No experience is necessary to join us. This Writers’ Gathering is for all writers in all genres - beginner, novice, experienced. It is not the intent of this gathering to offer criticism but a holy space of giving and receiving. Contact Gretchen Martens, our facilitator, for more information.

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SouperSoul Lunch Every Wednesday

SouperSoul Lunch Every Wednesday

SouperSoul Lunch Every Wednesday

Each Wednesday soup’s on at RH as we gather lunch (12:30 pm) and a contemplative practice (check the calendar each week). If you have time to pre-plan, please sign up. If you come at the last minute, this is okay, too! We hope to see you soon at RH.

Volunteers bring a vegan soup with bread options including GF. Soup makers are always needed. You are welcome to cook at the house or bring it by Noon. To sign up for a day to make soup, please email us.

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Spirituality of Aging: From Role to Soul

Join Sherry Ward and Nancy Kate Dunkerley in this small group four-part series, Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27.

Throughout our adult lives, we have different roles. Our personal journeys through life can be similar to a tree's maturity. In this four-week series, Sherry and Nancy wil guide participants in small group discussion and other learning modalities, discussing the spirituality of aging, from role-to-soul. Sherry and Nancy's program is adapted from the Oblate School of Theology's Forest Dwelling: Examining Spirituality as We Age.

We will explore how we are rooted in the ground, perhaps stunted at times, watered, nourished and growing into the mature stage of our life. 

Class size is limited to 8 participants.
Price $60 for the series

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Flute Meditation and Prayer (at Noon)

At noon on the first Wednesday of the month, Judy Annis brings flutes and an assortment of other beautiful instruments to Retreat House. Together we share special time in prayerful meditation, with poetry, other writings, and music that accompanies the contemplative themes of the day. After, we join together for Souper Soul lunch. No cost.

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NEW DATE FOR FEBRUARY: Harp and Prayerful Meditation

Join us on the THIRD Wednesday of each month, as we welcome Patsy to lead us in harp meditation and prayer at noon.

Settle into a mid-week break as we come together on THIRD Wednesdays at Noon, for a delightful harp-meditation-prayer gathering at RH. Patsy Sadowski, our resident harpist, creates a peaceful setting for us to quietly sit and reflect on poems and prayers selected for this particular day. When we finish, stay a while and enjoy the delicious Souper Soul soup and conversation that happens every Wednesday.

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Soulful Art with Joanna Clifton: Playing & Praying with Color

Join us as Joanna Clifton guides us in playing and praying with color. Joanna’s workshop is inspired by Sybil Macbeth’s book Praying in Color. We will have opportunities to create in the morning and the afternoon - choose one or both of the sessions. And don’t forget to join us for Souper Soul lunch in between. Cost is $10 (for as much or as little of the day that works for you)

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Common Ground: Interfaith Conversation and Lunch

Mark your calendar for Third Thursdays each month where we gather over a delicious lunch and share stories, insights and traditions around a theme - through the lived experiences and teachings of various faiths. This month we will be discussing how various faith traditions welcome new babies into their communities. As one of our regular programs, Common Ground speaks to our Core Values of Brave Vulnerability, Cultivation, Chesed, Cross Pollination and the sharing of Sacred Stories.

No Cost - Please et us know you’re joining us with the RSVP below

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Writers' Gathering - (Online - Open to All)

Have you been wondering what it feels like to be a published author? Have you wondered how to tap into your own writing super powers? Do you have something you’ve written that you’d like to share in a special supportive and beautiful community of writers just like you? Join us for this month’s Writer’s Gathering. We are starting to prepare for our November 22 due date for submissions to House of Wonder, our next book. We’d love you to be part of it!

We all have a story to share. As writers of stories, we enjoy sharing our journeys, thoughts, ideas, struggles, and “aha"s. Writers often compose in solitude but get energy, inspiration, and insight when we meet in community with other writers. In this special gathering, we have the opportunity to discuss what we are writing, why we are writing, where our hopes and struggles are, and who we are when we write. No experience is necessary to join us. This Writers’ Gathering is for all writers in all genres - beginner, novice, experienced. It is not the intent of this gathering to offer criticism but a holy space of giving and receiving. Contact Gretchen Martens, our facilitator, for more information.

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Journey to Self-Love: A Day for Authentic Expression and Connection

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience that celebrates the beauty of authenticity and self-love. Inspired by the spirit of fearless expression, join us to embrace your unique journey, connect with like-minded souls, and discover the vibrant masterpiece that is you! 

 What to Expect:

 Self-Exploration: Dive deep into your innermost thoughts and feelings as you engage in reflective writing exercises. We’ll guide you through prompts that encourage you to honor your true self and uncover your passions.

Creative Expression: Bring your insights to life by creating a self-portrait that captures the essence of who you are. No artistic experience is necessary—this is about expressing your spirit and celebrating your individuality!

 Community Connection: Connect with fellow spiritual seekers who share your desire for growth and authenticity. Build meaningful relationships as you share your stories, insights, and creations in a safe and supportive environment.

 Mindfulness Practices: Immerse yourself in mindfulness and meditation sessions designed to ground you in the present moment and foster a deeper connection with yourself and others.

 Celebrate Your Journey: At the end of our time together, we will host a joyful gathering where everyone can share their self-portraits and the stories behind them. Witness the vibrant masterpieces that emerge when we embrace our true selves!

Join Michele and Sandy for this empowering experience where you will rediscover the vibrant masterpiece that is you! Let’s celebrate our unique journeys together and inspire one another to live fearlessly and authentically.

Space is very limited to reserve your spot today and step into a world of self-love and expression.

 For more information, please contact Sandy Centeno at ].

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InterSpiritual Meditation | A Monthly Gathering

Jackie Linden Schade, pastor, spiritual director and trained ISM facilitator joins Fran Shelton, author, pastor and spiritual director, bringing InterSpiritual Meditation to our Retreat House community monthly.

ISM brings ancient teachings to modern day, allowing individuals space for personal practice.
Open to all. There is no cost to participate, though we do suggest a donation which can be made when you attend; your generosity allows us to continue offering programs like these.

We will gather in person at Retreat House, 2nd Sunday of each month, 5-7 p.m.

Our next gathering is Sunday, December 7. Questions or RSVP here.

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Souper Soul Wednesday

Join us Wednesday for soup at 12:30 - following noon-time Prayerful Meditation and Flute with Judy. This is a great opportunity to share time in community, have some homemade soup, and enjoy some special time together. Open to all.

Join us on Wednesdays at 12:30 for soup and friendly conversations. There is no charge for this weekly gathering. If you would like to volunteer to make soup for an upcoming week, please contact Morgan here. Donations can be made in person to help defray the cost of ingredients.

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Flute Meditation and Prayer (at Noon)

At noon on the first Wednesday of the month, Judy Annis brings flutes and an assortment of other beautiful instruments to Retreat House. Together we share special time in prayerful meditation, with poetry, other writings, and music that accompanies the contemplative themes of the day. After, we join together for Souper Soul lunch. No cost.

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Meditation with Sandy: Nurturing Inner Peace and Spiritual Growth

 Sandy will guide you through meditations crafted to awaken your soul's unique path to spiritual growth. As we gather in sacred unity, let the divine energies elevate our spirits and illuminate the boundless potential within each of us.

Following the meditation with Sandy, we will gather in Thurman’s Threshold for prayerful meditation with Judy guiding us with flute and other instruments. Information or RSVP directly to Sandy here.

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Souper Soul Wednesday

Join us Wednesday for soup at 12:30 - this is a great opportunity to share time in community, have some homemade soup, and enjoy some special time together. Open to all.

Join us on Wednesdays at 12:30 for soup and friendly conversations. There is no charge for this weekly gathering. If you would like to volunteer to make soup for an upcoming week, please contact Morgan here. Donations can be made in person to help defray the cost of ingredients.

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Mystery BOX Wednesday

When a month has a fifth Wednesday, we know how to celebrate at Retreat House, after a warm bowl of delicious soup.

Join us Wednesday, January 29 after Souper Soul lunch - We will have Mystery Box Day in our art studio. We are excited to see mysteries unfold right before you - all that’s missing is your creative Self. Stop by any time from 1-3 and we’ll have supplies available for some fun and contemplative creating time.

At RH, we know that inside each individual is an Artist Within. That’s one of the reasons we love our special atherings in our Artist Within art studio. Beginning in 2025, we will offer Mystery Box Wednesday in months that have a 5th Wednesday. Join us for soup at 12:30 and then pop into the art studio with us for the afternoon. We suggest a $10 donation, which helps offset our supply cost.

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Souper Soul Wednesday

Join us Wednesday for soup at 12:30 - this is a great opportunity to share time in community over homemade soup.
Open to all.

Join us on Wednesdays at 12:30 for soup and friendly conversations. There is no charge for this weekly gathering. If you would like to volunteer to make soup for an upcoming week, please contact Morgan here. Donations can be made in person to help defray the cost of ingredients.

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Soulful Art

We love expressing ourselves through artistic creativity - even those of us who don’t consider ourselves “artists.” As the name of our art studio expresses, it’s all about The Artist Within. That’s why people love our Soulful Art monthly gathering. Join us as we play, pray and create together.

Join us Wednesday, January 22. NEW for 2025: Soulful Art will take place 10-12 and 1-3. You can come before or after lunch and stay for as long as you’re able.

This month, Mara Bim will guide us as we create 3D Collage, with stories and items of meaning.
. RSVP so we know you’re coming and we will provide you with a suggestion of items you can bring to make your collage more meaningful. Questions? Contact Karen here.

At RH, we know that inside each individual is an Artist Within. That’s one of the reasons we love this special gathering on 4th Wednesdays, where we have different facilitators introduce us to various forms of art-making in our Artist Within art studio. Beginning in 2025, we will offer this in the morning (10-12) and afternoon (1-3). Come for one or both sessions; don’t miss soup at 12:30. We suggest a $10 donation, which helps offset our supply cost. RSVP here so we have supplies for you and so that we can give you some suggested items you can bring from home to make your project even more meaningful..

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Souper Soul Wednesday

Join us Wednesday for soup at 12:30 - right after our beautiful noontime Harp Meditation by Patsy. Open to all.

Join us on Wednesdays at 12:30 for soup and friendly conversations. There is no charge for this weekly gathering. If you would like to volunteer to make soup for an upcoming week, please contact Morgan here. Donations can be made in person to help defray the cost of ingredients.

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Harp and Prayerful Meditation

Join us on the THIRD Wednesday of each month, as we welcome Patsy to lead us in harp meditation and prayer at noon.

Settle into a mid-week break as we come together on THIRD Wednesdays at Noon, for a delightful harp-meditation-prayer gathering at RH. We are happy to welcome back Patsy Sadowski, starting in September and going forward on 3rd Wednesdays. When we finish, stay a while and enjoy the delicious Souper Soul soup and conversation that happens every Wednesday.

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InterSpiritual Meditation | A Monthly Gathering

Jackie Linden Schade, pastor, spiritual director and trained ISM facilitator joins Fran Shelton, author, pastor and spiritual director, bring InterSpiritual Meditation back to Retreat House this fall. We had a fabulous turnout in October and look forward to even more people joining us in November.

ISM brings ancient teachings to modern day, allowing individuals space for personal practice.
Open to all. There is no cost to participate, though we do suggest a donation which can be made when you attend; your generosity allows us to continue offering programs like these.

We will gather in person at Retreat House, 2nd Sunday of each month, 5-7 p.m.

Our next gathering is Sunday, December 7. Questions or RSVP here.

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