Dr. Andrew Clifford
Dr. Andrew Clifford
Trained Spiritual Director and Psychologist
Dr. Andrew Clifford is a founding member of Center for Transformative Prayer (CTP) at First United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and trained Christian Spiritual Director with an MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary focusing on the integration of Christian Spirituality and the psychotherapy process. He practices clinical psychology in medical settings with patients suffering from medical, psychiatric, and neurocognitive disabilities. He lives in McKinney with his wife and young children and enjoys contemplative practice, experience and service in personal, professional and ministerial settings. With CTP members, he facilitates weekly Contemplative Worship Services, which involves 50 minutes of guided meditative prayers and Holy Communion every Sunday. He participates in tri-annual half-day retreats that focus on helping parishioners learn to practice different forms of Christian meditative prayers; he co-leads a Covenant Group which trains participants in living by a Neo-monastic Rule of Life, and he is one of facilitators of the Christlike Mindfulness Fellowship also on Sunday mornings.
When asked about his approach towards the spiritual life, Dr. Clifford shares:
“Be in the moment, open and receptive to the universal Christ; Mindfully aware of our internal and external experience in God’s immanent Spirit; Present and attending to God’s being and love in all that is; In abiding action, intentionally participating in what God is doing; With acceptance giving thanks in all circumstances, trusting the outcomes to God’s compassionate grace and divine evolution.”
If you’re interest in working with Dr. Clifford, send him a note.