Ep 10: Reconciliation with God, Self and Others
What if turning inward and offering more self compassion not only contributed to your our personal healing and growth but also had the power to help heal others as well?
In this episode, we visit with Lindsay O’Connor. Lindsay is a writer, speaker and spiritual director in training who has been called to the work of reconciliation with God, self and others. After attending a Beth Moore conference in 2017, Lindsay says she felt God was asking her to step out to more. Like many spiritual invitations, she didn’t exactly know what the more was. Soon she joined Be the Bridge, an organization whose vision is that people and organizations are aware and respond to the racial brokenness and systemic injustice in our world. That we are no longer conditioned by a racialized society but grounded in truth. That all are equipped to flourish.
As Lindsay grew in this space of racial reconciliation she also became more compassionate towards her self and understood God to be more compassionate and expansive in general. She recognized a desire and a need for people to have space to grieve, to heal and grow in a gentle and nonjugemental environment. So she took a further step down the path on her journey to train to become a spiritual director. In this role, her intention is to cultivate brave spaces for the good and holy work of becoming firmly rooted in the identity as unconditionally beloved. She believes that when we experience our belovedness in an embodied way, we can start to imagine what it might look like to extend that same love and grace to others and to all of creation.
Lindsay has such a gentle and articulate way of giving insight and life to her story as she takes us through some of her personal work and how that has transformed into the gift of holding space for others to heal.
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Reconciliation with God, Self and Others