Ep 9: A Conversation on Internal Family Systems

In this episode, we visit with Tracy DePue. Tracy is a musician who spent much of her career in church ministry before she followed and honored the call of going inward where she discovered the need to tell a part of her story that she had buried for many years. As she honored her truth, she began to feel the walls of shame fade away. Through this experience of liberation, she discovered a new-found freedom as well as a desire to hold space for others which led her to her current role as spiritual director and retreat leader. Tracy says she loves listening to those she companions serving as an active and intentional listener as well as a pointer – one who reminds them of God’s work in their lives and where they might consider looking, if they’ve lost their way on the path.

Most recently, she received additional training as an IFS (or internal family systems) practitioner. This modality allows those that Tracy companions to experience healing that comes from exploring one’s inner life with the hope of living more fully and being able to love themselves and others more deeply. A pretty incredible tool to pair with the art and ministry of spiritual direction. 


Ep 10: Reconciliation with God, Self and Others


Ep 8: Explore the Gifts of Waiting and Savoring in Bread Making with Ruth Winkler