Retreat House: A place to connect to one another and the journey of our souls

I found myself walking in the doors of Retreat House Spirituality Center more than five years ago. I had heard about Retreat House from my friend Rev. Deanna Hollas and came by to see what this day spirituality center was all about.

After arriving and spending some time at the house, I realized this was the place I had been looking for (even though, at the time, I didn’t really know it). This place of contemplation and prayer. This place of community built around sharing food and stories. This place of holding space for what was stirring and struggling in me.

Soon, Lil Smith, one of the co-founders of RH, asked me to offer Contemplative Painting, a monthly gathering where participants are invited to put paint on paper and and see what emerges. Then, some writers got together once a month for a Writer’s Gathering, that was soon followed by a series of House of books. After the ongoing turmoil of racism in our society, the Conversations on Racism started as a way to tell difficult stories and hold space for honesty and healing. Richard and I began a study of the Gospel of Thomas, and now the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. This fall, I am hosting the Artist’s Rule book group, seeing how contemplative practices connect with our creativity.

During the pandemic, we made the shift to online meetings and now we have some online, some in the house, and some hybrid. Through the pandemic, we found ways to continue to connect to one another and to the deep journey of our souls.

The Retreat House has such gifts to share with all of us on our sacred journeys. For this, I am ever grateful.

We come to the close of 2022 and enter this season of light. It has been quite a year. I am thankful for what the Retreat House is and offers. I ask that you consider an end of-year gift to help the us continue to offer what so many of us need to connect -– a place of welcome, a place of being seen and heard, a place of deep encounter with one another’s souls.

This is some of the sacred story of Rev. Dr. Clay Brantley. He is the board chair of Retreat House, a trained spiritual director, writer, artist, retreat leader and retired pastor. Read more about Clay’s ministries by going to our blog and searching “Clay Brantley.”

It the month of December, we’ll be sharing sacred stories as we invite our community partners to consider giving a gift to Retreat House and to consider How has Retreat House been part of your sacred story? We’ll be sharing some exciting numbers of how/who we’ve reached through our virtual and in-person offerings as well as how your giving impacts our community. In addition to monetary donations, all kinds of contributions matter — prayer, volunteer time and creativity in various forms help make us who we are. Interested in giving time and spiritual gifts? Let’s talk!

You might donate online, mail a check to 110 Mimosa Drive, Richardson, Texas 75080 or use one of the “Dip” or donation jars at Retreat House.

Emily Turner