The lifting of the fog
By Gretchen Martens
The fog arrived
So thick it swallowed the horizon
Inviting reflection
Yesterday’s broken dreams
Loss, grief, and decades of good-byes
So here I sit
Entombed, marooned
Face to face
With these shards
These fractured pieces of my life
Wondering where the time went
Or here I sit
Enwombed, cocooned
Keeping company, tenderly
With my thoughts
Hopes and dreams
Wondering what life holds
The fog suddenly pierced
The careening of a gull
A shrill call
An invitation to awaken
To find my voice
To remember how to fly
And, on that day of fog
Shrouding the world
Whispering, beckoning
Inviting regret and hope
Depression and optimism
Breaking and mending
Without warning the fog began to burn
The duality of water burning
More accurately evaporating
Succumbing to the power of the sun
That had always been there
A beacon in the unseen
And the horizon appeared
Where it had always been
Slowly, evocatively
Reminding me of eternity
Every shutter flash
Bringing new moments of clarity
And pixel by pixel
The fog gave way
To a soft, sublime light
Like the breath of an angel
Blessing us with life and promise
Into the brilliance of another sunset
The lifting of the fog was written by Gretchen Martens and originally published in House of Peace, a publication of Retreat House Spirituality Center. You can purchase a copy here.