Tell me your story

Photo by Emily Turner, Possum Kingdom Lake

Tell Me Your Story

by Jamie Leat

Tell me your story,

and I’ll tell you mine,

then together,

face to face,

hand in hand,

holding each other’s fragile heart,

our souls press in close,

we unlock the healing energy of grace.

The air thick with humility and mercy,

we settle into this mystical space,

where we welcome vulnerability,

surround each other with an unaccustomed love,

and wait for our stories to find their voice.

With silence as our guardian

and love holding back the encroaching world,

I listen intently while you put into words

your experiences of suffering and celebration,

shame and acceptance,

disappointment and gratitude,

anger and joy,

anxiety and peace,

fear and love.

As your stories unravel and our tears flow,

we sense another Presence within this hallowed room,

inviting us to listen harder,

look deeper,

ask questions,

and imagine another story.

Within our conversation,

the healing energy of grace breathes life into our souls.

Stories are reimagined.

Insight is given.

Connection to love is restored.

Healing is received.

Peace builds a home.

Your story contains the power to heal me.

My story contains the power to heal you.

Together, quiet and still,

our stories are rewritten,

and we discover the miraculous healing we seek.

Tell me your story,

and I’ll tell you mine.

Tell me your story was written by Jamie Leat and originally published in House of Healing, a publication of Retreat House Spirituality Center. You can purchase a copy here.

Emily Turner