Following the Call of God's Spirit on Your Life
What is your sacred story?
In the history of the Christian tradition a prophet named Isaiah answered God’s call for someone to go and bring God’s word to the people. Isaiah responded:
“Here I am. Send Me.”
Holy Texts from the Bible tell us that Isaiah found his calling as a prophet after he saw a vision indicating the coming of Jesus. Was he frightened? Had he had visions before? Did his community believe him? Did he believe himself?
Scripture tells us that he remained faithful to God despite some obstacles along the way.
Like Isaiah, all of us are given invitations to persist in our faith journeys. If we are honest with ourselves and others, it can be hard to follow God’s leading. Sometimes God seems distant. At times, we maybe lose trust in ourselves, or at times, we might lose trust in God.
Despite these challenges, something inside of us persists in following the Holy One’s call - we simply can’t imagine living another way. Especially, after we get a taste of God’s goodness.
These are sacred stories.
As a Core Value of Retreat House Spirituality Center, exploring Sacred Stories give our lives meaning so that we might follow in the footsteps of others, live the stories and find community with the divine inspired past.
Trained Spiritual Director Rev. Sherry Ward shares her insights on the significance of this core value and also provides additional Biblical texts that reflect the faithfulness of the Lord as people like us, in all of their humanness, in our humanness, followed and still follow the call of God on their lives. Watch Sherry’s message here.
As a covenant community, it is our responsibility and privilege to be receptive to the ways God is calling us, and to nurture and enliven each other’s sacred stories. Together, we make time to be in silence before God, allowing space to be nourished with God’s presence so we might live in the way Jesus showed us to live. Through these invitations, we each add chapters of our sacred stories to Jesus’ story, the greatest story ever told.
Daily prayer, contemplative painting, writer’s gatherings and retreats, Gratefulness Gatherings, “House of” book series, Conversation on Racism series as well as our weekly Breath practice Breath/Welcome, Transform are just some of the ways Retreat House hosts recurring offerings for participants to come together and experience and explore share how the Holy Spirit is creating sacred stories in their lives and the lives of others. Visit the Retreat House calendar to check out these offerings and register.