I Am Who I AM
Retreat House Partner Emily Turner Reflects on Exodus 3:1-15
"I Am Who I Am"
How many of us are desiring a burning bush right now? To have God speak to us, to tell us what to do.
Consider what the Lord said to Moses:
“I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters.”
What and who are your taskmasters? Is it the worry that consumes you not knowing what tomorrow or even the next six months will bring? Is it a pile of bills? Is it the tedious online learning that now serves as school? Is it the repetitive news of police brutality that grieves your spirit over and over and over? The vile and lewd comments spewed back and forth between political parties?
Or, is it the mask you wear to the grocery store? The one that constricts your breathing in the August heat, keeping you even more separated from fellow shoppers, reminding you each time you put it on – how much this virus is the ultimate task master for us all.
This taskmaster does not discriminate, and we are tired.
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”
Biblical texts describe the terrain where Moses encountered God as dry and rocky. It also occurred on a mountain. I wonder what Moses could see from that mountain? Was he noticing the vastness of his situation as he peered down and could look at dry land on all sides, all around him? Was he at his wit’s end asking God for answers?
And then, God appeared in the dry bush, right in the middle of Noah's situation, saying "I Am Who I Am. And I know your sufferings."
In her guided meditation, Rev. Dr. Lil Smith reminds us that God will send someone to deliver us from our suffering. This person knows God and will be sent to you by God. This person knows God by name. As God observed the misery of God’s people in Egypt, so God hears our cries and desires to deliver you, to deliver us to a land of milk and honey.
May we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear how and when God speaks to us. Praise be to God. Amen.
Prayer for Our Community
"Holy One. We are tired like Moses. And we are looking for answers. Sometimes we get glimpses of the way forward, but other days this time feels too heavy to bear. Show us the burning bushes in our life. Through your Holy Spirit make yourself known to us. We love you and ask these things in Christ's name."
Listen to Rev. Dr. Lil Smith's Guided Meditation for Praying the Lectionary for Exodus 3:1-15.
As you experience the practice of praying the lectionary, adopt a loving, caring and compassionate stance. If the end of your prayer and meditation time is not pointing to love and hope, there is more work to do. Keep wrestling. God is faithful to your journey. Love and hope will emerge. Be gentle with yourself and befriend any judgment that arises in you.
This excerpt was taken from a weekly meditation. To sign up to receive these, email us.
Emily Turner is a Trained Spiritual Director, Writer and Covenant Partner of Retreat House.