Seeing our stories through elimination poetry: An exercise in freedom and fun
Take a deep breath, grab some old magazines and spread them out on your favorite desk or even on the floor. Give yourself room to breathe and play! Don’t think too hard.
Rip out a page of a magazine that draws your attention. Enjoy the sounds of the ripping and don’t worry if you lose some words in the process. Consider this a time of play!
Invite the Holy to open your heart and body to what God wants to show you today. What might be hidden beneath the judgements of have to’s and shoulds? You might choose to start with a Scripture to help set the pace for this time of prayer and exercise.
Take five minutes to circle or highlight the first 20 words that stand out to you, that bring you joy or peace or any of the fruits of the spirit. Go with your gut. Don’t spend too much time wondering why you chose the word.
You might like silence or you can turn on your favorite music or listen to the birds and sounds of nature if you are outside or near a window.
Next, choose all or some of the 20 words to create a poem.
After words spend time with your poem reflecting.
What surprised you?
What desires your revealed in this exercise?
Any new prayers made obvious? Petitions or thanksgiving?
Give thanks to God for this time of creativity.
Consider sharing with a spiritual companion or friend.
A reporter
A diversity of history
Retelling our stories
By Emily Turner during an elimination poetry exercise at Perkins School of Theology.
Do you have a poem to share with us? We would love to hear it! Elimination Poetry was created by Rev. Dr. Lil Smith.