Immersed in God: Visio Divina
Van Gogh painting taken from the New Yorker
By Linda Anderson-Little
My husband and I visited Immersive Van Gogh art experiences. Using 90,000 pixels and 500,000 cubic feet of projection, Van Gogh’s paintings covered all four walls and the floor. They manipulated the paintings with the video, set to beautiful music. We were truly immersed in moving art — it was all around us, on our bodies and even covering our shoes. It was captivating and deeply spiritual, personal and communal. The whole experienced opened a spiritual doorway to peace.
This is how we live in God, in Spirit — every second of our life we are immersed in God, the creator and ground of all being. At the burning bush in Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, “I am that I am.”
God is life and breath itself. We have been breathing God unconsciously since we were born. Acts 17 says, “in God we live and move and have our being.” This is why I feel close to God in nature - because God is projected everywhere in creation, the ver first Bible with more pixels and cells than we can possibly conceive!
When I go outside to listen to the birds, feel the music of the breeze, and breathe deeply, I can connect with this doorway to peace. But such moments are always available to me wherever I am as I become more attuned to contemplation and the prayer of union with the God within and around me in all things. I am always immersed deeply in God with or without my conscious awareness, The doorway to immersive peace is always open.
This essay was originally published in House of Peace, a publication or Retreat House Spirituality Center. Purchase a copy and learn more about this book series.