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Pentecost: We Are All Made to Drink of One Spirit

Kymberlaine Banks on Cultivating Love for Yourself and Others

1 Corinthians 12:3b–13

"Pentecost: We Were All Made to Drink of One Spirit"

In a time when inequity, adversity and discrimination are impossible to ignore there is something about this Word that touches and warms a tender heart space where we remember that we are equally beloved in God’s eyes.

Different factions and fractions of society may forever struggle to breathe that in and let it be truth, but it is so.

What a lovely equitable reality! Oh, how I love equity even when it’s only a concept. A diversity of gifts given to each of us for the greater good. We are made to take our gifts and use them for and with each other to bless each other and our community.

The tendencies to think of ourselves or our nation first, take sides, or control and persecute to have an advantage are some of the greatest ways we break God’s heart. I can imagine, with absolutely no logical reason, the Kingdom come where we joyfully pass the cup and lovingly drink from the same Spirit as those who are actively engaged in learning to love themselves and stop hating others.

The time to listen and learn is always here but let’s just focus on this moment. Even though we may often align with people who look more like us, come from similar backgrounds, vote for the same candidates, or share common biases, we are individuals.

We each have free will to decide any time how we are going to BE. Each gifted with good minds of our own. Each possessing gifts God selected for us. Each able to hear when we stop speaking. Each able to do better when we know better. We can start or continue today depending on where we are on the path. Let’s begin.

Listen to Rev. Dr. Lil Smith's Guided Meditation for Praying the Lectionary for 1 Corinthians 12:3b–13 by clicking here.


As you experience the practice of praying the lectionary, adopt a loving, caring and compassionate stance. If the end of your prayer and meditation time is not pointing to love and hope, there is more work to do. Keep wrestling. God is faithful to your journey. Love and hope will emergeBe gentle with yourself and befriend any judgment that arises in you. 

Kymberlaine Banks sees herself as "realistic optimist who believes God is real even when the facts might looks different." She works for Communities Foundation of Texas as a business engagement officer. Her passion is forming meaningful connections with people to form community because we are all stronger when we recognize and celebrate each other's originality, diversity, and humanity. She’s grateful to do this in both life and work, which she considers to be one in the same.

This excerpt was taken from a weekly meditation deployed to Retreat House subscribers via email every Sunday morning. To add your name to this list and receive weekly meditations, please email us.