Cultivating Appreciation for the Holy Trinity

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Hayley Banteaux on Cultivating Appreciation for the Holy Trinity: Go - Matthew 28:16-20

As others are continuing to always seek the tangible, they are cornering themselves in doubt. When we accept the commission to do what He is asking us to do, we can't believe He has asked this of us, this can't be real, but it is real.

Do we ever just let ourselves see what the Holy Trinity has given us in the most simple ways of the unseen? For example, when a couple embraces each other, there is the Trinity, when a person is in distress, we place our hand on their shoulder as encouragement, there is the Trinity,
when we smell the essence of a rose, there is the Trinity. It is only through and with God in 3 that moves us to do and experience these things and it is what is left unseen that moves us in our deepest core. That is the Holy Trinity.

How can you explain the mystery? You can’t. The only way to understand it is to enter into it and that is what the Trinity invites us to do.

As Christ says “So that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” When we believe in Him, we have quality life right here and right now and when we allow God in 3 to work through us, as simplistic as it is, we bear good fruit and we are experiencing eternal life. By sharing these wonderous things that have been given to us, we can truly make a lot of changes within ourselves, our communities and help create the flows of healing. It is and it also makes it seem a rather churlish thing not to accept His invitation to us for evangelizing for Love with Love.

The world needs us to lean in and be those Disciples. If we pay close attention, God's gaze that meets ours will inflame our hearts. From within our own inflamed heart we will be able to help another to not only see that very flame but to also walk with Him in it. Matthew wants us to know that when we are walking with Christ and others our purpose and meaning becomes clear in the commission. Its about being vulnerable, opening ourselves to receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, developing loving relationships, letting the graces strengthen us and go out among people with inflamed hearts, growing closer in our intimacy with Christ.

Listen to Rev. Dr. Lil Smith's Guided Meditation for Praying the Lectionary for Matthew 28:16-20.

As you experience the practice of praying the lectionary, adopt a loving, caring and compassionate stance. If the end of your prayer and meditation time is not pointing to love and hope, there is more work to do. Keep wrestling. God is faithful to your journey. Love and hope will emerge. Be gentle with yourself and befriend any judgment that arises in you.

Hayley is a partner of Retreat House and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 20 years. She is currently employed
full-time at the Ritz-Carlton Spa in Dallas. She is also a trained spiritual director.

She has a deep passion for Healing Arts, saying" It is though I cannot learn enough and bring enough to the table to satisfy my thirst to help others in their journey of healing."

This excerpt was taken from a weekly meditation deployed to Retreat House subscribers via email every Sunday morning. To add your name to this list and receive weekly meditations, please email us.


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