Light shines in the darkness

By Rev. Sherry Ward

The light that shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.
— John 1:5, The Bible

Have you ever been outside once the sun has set, and even twilight is long gone? I’m not sure there was even the light of the silvery moon that night. I arrived at such a place and had no sense of location. It was truly inky dark! I had arrived in that rural village in Haiti with a mission team from Tennessee. The pastor of the local congregation met us with a feeble flashlight in hand. We were grateful for his accompaniment, though still sensing the need to feel our way by carefully measuring our steps as we walked across the uneven dirt path that led to the church.

The church was a single tin roofed room with a dirt floor, rough wood, and open cinderblock walls. There was an elevated platform with a pulpit front and center of the space. Cinderblocks served as steps to reach the platform. The single light source for the entire church was a kerosene lantern hanging by a rope directly above the pulpit. The lantern was placed above the pulpit because it was the place where scripture was read, and the word was proclaimed.

The congregation gathered around for a time of worship and praise! They took pride in their church and wanted to share the worship experience with us. After much singing and fervent prayers, I was introduced as “Pastoress Sherry.”

A hush came over the room as scripture was read. A message of hope and love was given to a faithful group of Christians gathered there that night to hear the word of God. A moth was attracted to the light and it seemed that all of us were drawn into the circle where the lantern cast its glow for people and creature alike.

The light of a feeble flashlight had led us to this one room church in a dusty little village in the countryside, far away from the city of Port au Prince. The light of that kerosene lantern gave heavenly light to the faithful gathered that night. United in our love of Christ, we gave thanks for the light, “the light that shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5) Thank you, O God, for light everylasting!

This reflection was written by Rev. Sherry Ward and originally published in House of Light, a Retreat House Spirituality Center publication. You can purchase a copy here.

Emily Turner