Photo by Emily Turner
By Clay Brantley
I’ve searched and searched
To find a home
But I’ve lived in the same house
For years.
I am not settled
Though I don’t want to move.
I keep traveling, looking, wandering, seeking
Yet I keep returning to the same place.
I pray, I cry out.
I sit in silence.
Yet here I do not belong.
Something stirs and calls me forth.
I look around.
I see all my stuff.
I see my family and my heritage.
I see my deep roots in the church.
Isn’t all this enough
For me to be at home?
I like it here. I am comfortable.
I have all I need.
Yet something moving within
Whispers I don’t
And I become uncomfortable and restless.
My heart says love.
Love what? I ask in reply.
Love what is.
What are you talking about?
I am trying to find where I belong.
I want to settle down, to be comfortable.
I want to be at home.
Love the sky.
Love the trees.
Love the animals and all you can see.
Love your family.
Love your neighbor.
Love your enemy.
Most of all
Love yourself.
When and as you love
More and more
You will discover home
That’s it.
That’s what you’ve got.
How hard is that?
This is the most difficult task.
It asks of you.
All you have and all you are.
A price few are willing to pay.
It is a long journey.
One not taken by the faint of heart.
In learning to love
There will be much you do not wish to see.
There will be much you do not wish to feel.
There will be much that will break and open you up.
Be bold. Be courageous. Trust.
You will find your way
For the light of love shines in the darkness
And you will be at home
Wherever you truly love
Unsettled though you may be
Home was written by Rev. Dr. Clay Brantley and originally published in House of Love, a publication of Retreat House Spirituality Center. You can purchase a copy here.
Clay is one of the directors of Retreat House. He is a pastor and trained spiritual director. Send Clay a note.