Retreat House

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God's Love Reflected

God’s Love Reflected

By Sherry Ward

Upon arrival at Retreat House on the mornings when I am House Guide, I have come to expect a surprise from God!  Something in the spaces catches my eye and lifts my spirits as I make my rounds throughout the house.  Sometimes an “ooohh, ooohh” escapes my lips and I am transfixed on the object in my view. 

This morning’s sighting did not disappoint!              

I set about to unload the dishwasher, putting the glasses away on the shelf. A cloud that had partially hidden the sun only moments ago shifted position.  Pursuing my task of placing the cups in orderly rows on adjacent shelves, I caught my breath at the intensity of the sun streaming in the kitchen window!  A full glistening, a sparkle and beauty of Light fell across the glasses on the shelf.  I had my “Oooohhh Oooohh” moment!

God’s Light filled the space and a sense of Holy Presence encircled the room.  Just as God’s Light filled the room, the reflections of little bright hearts clustered together. In community at the open mouths of the glasses was a reflection of the Love shared among the Retreat House Covenant Community. 

With the gift of Light and Love filling my senses, I was aware once again of God’s great love for each one of us.  I gave thanks for the privilege we have of reflecting the light of God’s Love to others we meet on the path of life.

Retreat House has published 7 books in their House of series. To find out more about this series, email Gretchen Martens. To purchase one of the books, go to our online store. This poem was published in House of Love in February 2019.

Rev. Sherry Ward is a covenant partner of Retreat House and Trained Spiritual Director.