The Thing About Resentment


The Thing About Resentment

By Lila Morisee, PhD

The thing about resentment is that it corrupts

It hangs out and around in the body—mine and yours

It gets in the bones, the cells, the tissues

 It plants little land mines that erupt when you’re not looking

and least expect it

One day despair can stage a crash

Don’t let it

The thing about resentment, and despair for that matter,

is it wants your attention

It wants your loving kindness

Give it, sit with it, wrap it in a warm blanket

Let it melt the icy heart

Take the cure, accept the help, make the art

Take the journey, make the passage

You are not alone

If you’re little, want to tantrum, all the better

Crawl into the lap of non-intrusive reassurance

Retreat House has published 7 books in their House of series. To find out more about this series, email Gretchen Martens. To purchase one of the books, go to our online store. This poem was published in House of Compassion in August 2019.

Lila Morisee PhD, has worked with children and families, individuals and groups, for more than 25 years, in both counseling and educational settings. Helping people tell their stories in playful, prayerful ways, using a variety of creative materials is her specialty. Dr. Morisee’s particular focus is on healing grief and loss.

Life is meant to be happy, joyous, and free, and sometimes we get hurt. Hard and difficult things happen to all of us - young and older. Playscapes offers a time and place apart to experience healing through talking/writing, making art, and playing with story. Sent Lila a note.


Emily Turner