Journey to the Manager: Brake or Break!

Who are you?

Advent is a time of waiting, a time of slowing down, a time to invite the question again, "Who am I, today, as I journey to the light in the manger?"  

As the world accelerates, we spend less time in awe and wonder.  

This week at Retreat House we were blessed to walk the labyrinth in awe and with wonder, "Who are you?"  We discovered new names and deep longings to serve the light in the Manger, a risen Christ alive in the world today. 

The labyrinth at Retreat House is always open.  You are invited to put on the brakes during the chaos of the season and walk with the invitation to awe and wonder to experience the Light of the World.  Why?  If you don't brake and take time for yourself, you will break.  Give yourself the gift of time this Advent.  Walk toward the Light with awe and wonder.