Journey to the Manger

We gathered in waiting to honor time and space to begin our journey to the manger. We have some "Manger Moments" to share. Manger Moments are glimpses of light, love, wonder, peace, hope, and/or joy that you notice during your Advent journey.

    This 2018 Advent journey, I will trust my inner person as I journey to Bethlehem. What's at stake? The light in the manger is my own journey to wholeness and love, fulfilling my divine purpose with love and lightness that creates healing in my self and others. - Gretchen
    I heard God say, "Sherry, beloved daughter, come closer." Standing in front of the manger this Advent Season, I am struck anew with to embrace Emmanuel, God with me each and every moment. - Sherry
    As we prayed by the manger, the image of the Child struck me. Like any baby, I wanted to watch the child endlessly with deep joy and awe that new life inspires. Just a glimpse inspires joy and hope. But this baby inspires that joyful gazing through His earthly life, a hope that transcends difficulty and danger. - Sue
    I sit in awe and wonder of the wise counsel of an infant who does not use words to speak as I seek to find a deeper voice. I sit in awe and wonder of the courageous, beautiful children of God gathering to journey together to the manger. - Lil

You are invited to join us by sharing your Manger Moments. You may add your glimpse in the comment box below, or stop by Retreat House and add your light to the manger.With a grateful heart,Lil