X-Rays from Inner Eden


X-Rays from Inner Eden by Dr. Troy Caldwell

Reflections on Genesis 28:10-19 A and Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24

Dreams that grab you in the gut and inspire awe and wonder occur only occasionally, but if you pay attention to even the more everyday dreams, you will be ready when the big dream comes, and you will hear the voice and promise of God.

The veil that separates our consciousness from our unconscious is akin to the angel with the flaming sword that guards the gates of Eden.

Dreams like Jacob had are like “X-rays from inner Eden.” Eden and the heavenly realms are usually hidden from us, as are the other realms of our unconscious mind. Dreams are like X-rays that remove the veil and show us snippets of what is hidden.

Because of their symbolism, they seem like x-ray shadows at first, but if we will work with them, like a studious radiologist, they often clarify their meaning. Dreams are like God searching our hearts and minds then sharing what he discerns with us in doses that we can tolerate and process.

Listen to Rev. Dr. Lil Smith's Guided Meditation for Praying the Lectionary for Genesis 28:10-19 A here as well as Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 here.

As you experience the practice of praying the lectionary, adopt a loving, caring and compassionate stance. If the end of your prayer and meditation time is not pointing to love and hope, there is more work to do. Keep wrestling. God is faithful to your journey. Love and hope will emerge. Be gentle with yourself and befriend any judgment that arises in you.

This excerpt was taken from a weekly meditation deployed to Retreat House subscribers via email every Wednesday. To add your name to this list and receive weekly meditations, please email us.


A covenant partner at Retreat House, Dr. Troy Caldwell is a trained spiritual director, psychiatrist and writer with particular expertise in Jungian dreamwork. His book exploring dreams and spirituality is found on Amazon.com titled Adventures in Soulmaking.

Emily Turner