Finding hope in the darkness: An Advent reflection and meditation
Homemade Advent wreath with personal objects representing hope.
I’m not sure exactly what inspired me, a little bit of imagination and Holy Spirit. I wonder if they are one in the same at times? The idea of gathering elements of an Advent wreath instead of picking them up at a store or church felt like an opening, a path forward. A chance to say “Yes” to co-creating with the Spirit.
During the pandemic, I found myself if front of my computer screen - a lot! I wanted to work with my hands, to notice what was already in my home, to create something new with elements of my story that were reflected in my home through photographs, pieces of nature I had collected from my walks and other trinkets that brought me joy and a sense of remembering. I craved movement. I wanted to do something other than type. To look around. To notice. To breathe.
I was also reminded of Christmases past with my brother and parents. We would light the candle each Sunday during Advent leading up to Christmas, and I inevitably got in “trouble” for dragging my finger through the wax. He did the same thing, but as the younger sibling he seemed to avoid the scolding. This memory now makes me smile. And for my brother reading, I was glad to have your waxy fingers go unnoticed!
The simplicity of this tradition drew and still draws me in. Thinking of those times spent as a family, I’m aware of the many highs, lows, sorrows and joys we’ve all experience since then. The ones who have joined our family, the ones who are now with us in spirit. I am reminded how God “Emmanuel” was with me, with us, through it all, though many times it was hard to notice in the moment.
Since 2020, I have resurrected the lighting of my Advent candle tradition. I now gather items from my home to create and Advent altar of sorts. Peace comes to me easily during this process as I reflect on God’s faithfulness in my life and spend time meditating and praying through and with the Christmas story as it relates to my own journey.
I invite you to join me in this life-giving spiritual practice:
As you read through the below meditation, consider choosing items in your home to adorn you Advent altar. You might use family photographs, or trinkets from a trip? Maybe a poem that you keep close by. It could even be something as simple as a coffee bean reminding you of the gift of morning coffee! Whatever is meaningful and displays and reminds you of God’s holiness and love for you, add that. You might journal or draw or paint. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you. Try not to hold too tightly to an outcome. Invite lightness and play – remember that God did come into the world as an infant.
Other materials: You may wish to use a plate and arrange some greenery around the candles. I like to use simple white, beeswax candles and inexpensive glass votives. Do what feels right to you. You may also wish to go through the meditation all at once as you create your altar. You can then revisit the questions each week as you light your candle on the Sunday leading up to Christmas.
Lastly, I invite you to read your favorite verses or version of the Christmas story before embarking on this journey and spiritual practice. I have also linked the verses below.
Meditation and Reflection Questions:
When I’m struggling to find hope – I find it helpful to remember. To remember a time when God, the Holy One, Divine LOVE, Jesus, whatever your word for God is – when God restored my hope. Remembering what God has done in my story in the past, helps me to remember what God will do in the future. God is faithful to our wholeness, to our journey.
The spiritual practice of Advent makes space for us to savor the Christmas story and to prepare space in our hearts to receive the light of the world in a new way. Even though it is the same story each year, the story can touch us in different ways depending on where we are in our journey.
I invite you to consider some of the elements from the Christmas story. Remember what God has done in your life and focus on the HOPE we are given through these moments of remembering God’s faithfulness in both our stories and the story of God joining us in full human form as Jesus.
Week 1: The North Star – The Wisemen were guided by the star of Bethlehem so they could make it to the manger. When has God given you a “North Star” in your life? Was it through a relationship, a conversation or a knowing? When were you guided to goodness and truth? The story of the Magi inspires hope that if we follow our epiphanies, we will, like the Wise Men, arrive at the place we were meant to be. (Matthew 2:9)
Week 2: Angels and Dreams – The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” The angel continued, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.” The magi received a dream from God warning them to not return home the way they came but to take another route When has God intervened directly into your life? Did you expect it? Welcome it? How did you feel? Afraid, relieved? Maybe you have had mystical experiences with Angels and dreams. How did this or does this play into your relationship with hope? We open our hearts to remember. (Luke 1:26-38) (Matthew 2:12)
Week 3: Darkness - God didn’t come into our world in broad daylight. He entered our lives in darkness. “Oh, Holy Night, the starts are brightly shining, this is the night of our dear savior’s birth.” Has there been a Dark Night in your life, a time that God spoke to you in a new way? Where you felt His love more fully and perfectly, despite the pains of childbirth, and perhaps the initial unknowing of what was to be?
Week 4: Yes’s – The Holy Family is an extraordinary example of saying yes to God despite cultural norms and standards. “Let it be to me according to your word,” Mary response to God in Luke’s Gospel when she learns she is to carry Jesus. Mary’s husband Joseph and Jesus’ father is also an example of saying Yes to God even when we can’t imagine the outcome for ourselves. When has God invited you to say Yes? How did it turn out? Was it difficult? Were you assured? Scared both? Were there times when you were invited to say Yes with another person? Did God work God’s promises through both of your Yes’s? (Luke 1:38-40) (Matthew 1:24)
As we spend time in quiet with God, notice what is wanting your attention. What spoke to you during these questions and elements of the Christmas story?
I pray peace on this time of reflection, meditation and pray and that the Christ light would shine on you and through you especially during this season!
This meditation and reflection was written by Emily Turner Watson. She is a spiritual director, writer and partner of Retreat House Spirituality Center.