What are you doing to care for your energy?
A snail at Christ Church in Dublin, Ireland. Image credit: Emily Turner Watson
Tee Bolin is a trained spiritual director and supervisor. We share her words and questions in the spirit of the Retreat House core values of brave vulnerability and loving kindness towards self. Enjoy!
From Tee:
Today I am contemplating a word I have heard in direction at least 3 separate times in the last 10 days – Energy! For some reason I simply cannot let go of the word – which for me usually means holds a lesson waiting for spiritual direction BUT I felt moved to share when I researched the definition of energy and found these simple 5 words:
The ability to do work
This definition has really lingered with me as I have considered some of the challenges so many of us are facing in this unrelenting heat, medical setbacks and just discerning a way forward in general. I have jokingly shared that I think I might have said “yes” one too many times this year as my days seem so full and my energy so low. So as I consider the focus question I will bring to spiritual direction I simply ask you what are you doing to care for your energy? Specifically, I would be honored if you might share a response to any of the following:
Do you find restorative energy in your sleep and/or dreams?
Is there a particular practice or location that feeds energy into your wholeness?
How do you “know” your reserves are low and it is time to exercise self care?
I think I still have much to learn in the discernment process as I would historically measure the next “step” in conjunction with “Does it give me Energy”? Now that my growth includes several “things” that bring me energy what does discernment now look like for me in choosing the next “right” step?