The liturgy is compassion, mercy and honest conversation: A prayer by Lauren Davis

Holy God,

Thank you for creating the time to meet together and to reflect on how you are moving in our world. Sometimes it feels like it is hard to see the movement, and is hard to feel we are a part of it.

Help us to trust that You know better and that you see our season, our chapter in our life.

The storms, or the peaceful moments that we are blessed with - You know exactly what we need.

Some of us might have old roots that are dry, and they are causing the season to feel so long. We trust that you are watering them. And you will restore and reunite them better than we can image.

I want to lift up our Church.

The parts that feel so divided. where people are struggling to feel a sense of belonging,

Restore a sense of community and worship.

A sense of judgment blame and shaming, isn’t the liturgy of church.

But the liturgy is compassion, mercy and honest conversation.

That begs us to be authentic.

There are parts of us that may not have experienced church in a healthy way, I pray for your mercy to see a different perspective of your Church.

And what your body of Christ means.

I pray for those who are desiring a sense of belonging, that they will find it.

That they will meet them where they are, that they will no longer have to do the searching.

I thank you that You are the arborist of our growth and that You are married to our flourishing.

That the dry roots are not the final say or final chapter.

But instead pointing us to the source of what it means to be the Church.

God, will you forgive those who may have a hard time extending compassion and understanding?

Some things aren’t meant to always be understood.

In this season of fall and upcoming winter, I prayer through your nature

Like the trees, that they will serve as a reminder of letting go of anything that doesn’t serve You or honor You any more.

Will the Church let go of things that no longer serve us in a healing way?

I pray the bare branches aren’t just a sign of loss but also a sign of rebirth

And an opportunity to grow in the new meaning of your Church again.

We love you and thank you for being with us.

In Your name, I pray, Amen.


Lauren Davis is a Trained Spiritual Director and the barista at Bonton Farms Market. She wrote this prayer as part of a reflection and meditation she offered for the Retreat House community for Common Ground prayer. You can watch or listen to Lauren’s prayer and meditation here.




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