Learning from all-encompassing greyness: Finding light in the darkness

On Personal retreat at Nazareth Retreat Center for a few days last week, I was looking forward to the weather prediction of clear blue skies and walks to see the pond, and martin house activity and lovely natural grounds.  The weather changed its mind though and come morning, it was foggy with some drizzle and bone-chilling cold.  

In my prayer and reflection, I was trying to discern what I was to learn from this all-encompassing greyness? The world seemed to be monotone.  Am I to continue to seek even if what I am seeking is not immediately visible?  Would I have noticed the small slate grey birds playing hide and seek in the branches if they were competing with clear blue skies and puffy white clouds? 

Would the three small branches protruding from the contour of the crepe myrtle outside my window have spoken to me?  Would I have noticed their leaf structure so perfectly designed? As the days are becoming shorter in terms of the hours of light, let me embrace both the shorter hours of day light…any kind of light, bright or grey and enjoy the longer hours of darkness to rest and renew both my body and my spirit.  As always, in all things I give Thanks to You, O Holy One. 

This reflection was written by Rev. Sherry Ward. She is a trained spiritual director, retreat leader, retired registered nurse, international missionary and serves on the board of Retreat House Spirituality Center.


Blue Christmas: Finding light in the darkness


Releasing butterflies: Finding light in the darkness