Take a walk with me
Take a walk with me
When the air is silent and the leaves are still
Take a walk with me
When the creek is dry and the earth is cracked
Take a walk with me
When the night is dark and the stars are dimmed
Take a walk with me
I AM here
Trust the walk
Take a walk with me
When the noise shatters glass and the pieces cut
Take a walk with me
When the chaos consumes and the storm rages
Take a walk with me
When the struggle wrongs and the cup is empty
Take a walk with me
I AM here
Trust each step
Take a walk with me
When clouds gather and the temperature drops
Take a walk with me
When the puddles muddy and the rain drenches
Take a walk with me
When the leaves drop and cold chill pierces
Take a walk with me
I AM here
Trust the journey
This meditation was written by Rev. Dr. Lil Smith and originally used for a flute meditation at a virtual silent retreat. You can listen to the meditation here.