Never am I outside of God: A meditation

Retreat House Prayer & Harp Meditation

December 8, 2021

 First Reading

 Never am I outside of my God:

God is not outside of me.

I am God’s radiance and God’s light . . .

                                — Angelus Silesius

My these stars of Divine Love and Light shine through you this Advent season.

•   Let the Star of Hope blaze through discouragement, doubt and disgruntledness.

•   Let the Star of Kindness radiate through what you think, feel, and do. 

•   Let the Star of Remembrance glitter in thoughts of good people and good deeds.

•   Let the Star of Satisfaction shine through your expectations, wants, and desires.

•   Let the Star of Understanding beam acceptance to those with whom you have difficulty. 

•   Let the Star of Laughter sparkle in your eyes and in your smile.

•   Let the Star of Openness be a wide ray of love for those who are different than you.

•   Let the Star of Acceptance nudge you to receive the unwanted ones.

•   Let the Star of Forgiveness draw you nearer to those with whom you are alienated.

•   Let the Star of Courage grow bright in whatever requires your inner strength.

•   Let the Star of Joy dance in the corners of your heart that have forgotten to sing.

•   Let the Star of Gratitude encourage you to be generous with your gifts.

•   Let the Star of Patience permeate that which you find difficult and irritable.

•   Let the Star of Wonder draw you to appreciate the beauty in and around you.

•   Let the Star of Justice lead you to speak out in order to change an injustice today.

•   Let the Star of Equanimity glow through your concerns and struggles.

•   Let the Star of Faith beam through you by what you say and do.

•   Let the Star of Appreciation gleam in your affirmation of those who support you.

•   Let the Star of Charity keep you balanced in tending the needs of self and others.

•   Let the Star of Enthusiasm sparkle amid your tiredness and hurried pace.

•   Let the Star of Compassion draw you into the world’s wide expanse of suffering.

•   Let the Star of Delight lift your spirit and help you to see joy in simple things.

•   Let the Star of Devotion glisten in your work and in the care you offer to others.

•   Let the Star of Love shine through you to the persons you would rather avoid.

•   Let the Star of Peace be a ray of steadfast calmness and tranquility within you.

Harp Music

 Second Reading  

Star of Wonder, Radiant Goodness,

today I turn to you as the Source of Love.

I remember your light dwelling within me.

Keep me mindful of your transforming presence.

Shine this goodness lovingly on each person

with whom I come in contact this day.

Draw me to your irresistible love.

I open my whole being to you.

I send your love forth into our world.

May all those who suffer find solace in you.

May all of creation know your peace.

This meditation was written by Trained Spiritual Director Cathy Irby and used for a Harp Meditation at Retreat House.



May these stars of divine love and light shine


The midwife