In the Darkness

In the Darkness by Rev. Diane Pennington

Is there anything more isolating than being in pain or grief and believing that no one wants to wade into the darkness with you?

So few can bear the discomfort for the briefest time, let alone stay to comfort, console, cry or just stand with you in silence.

It is the gift of precious few who are able to step out of the sun, perhaps whose own lanterns are full of light, for the moment, who are willing to endure for an hour, or maybe even over years, the weight of sorrow, anger, confusion, even despair.

Long after others are ready to move on the pain can continue, an agonizing recurring nightmare.

True is the friend who lives in their own joy but does not forsake you in your darkness.

Who periodically descends into the catacombs to help you struggle until you can emerge back into the light.

Who can simply remind that life and love continue.

What an ultimate and truly loving gift - to simply BE a friend in the darkness.

Diane Pennington is a pastor and trained spiritual director. She also works as a development officer for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. You can learn more about Diane as well as find her contact information here. This poem was originally published in House of Comfort, a publication or Retreat House Spirituality Center.

Emily Turner