Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Believe and See

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Believe and See

He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.

- John 1:7

I believe.

I believe in peace.

I believe in resilient people.

I see.

I see peace.

I see resilient people.

This journey we take to the manger each year is a reflection of our faith. There is no doubt that a child will be born and light will cover the earth. There is no doubt that we will stop, raise our candle, and join with the heavenly choirs to sing and rejoice. There is not doubt that we will fully welcome joy in the world.

Believe, and see.

As a people of faith, we welcome joy again. We welcome joy in the midst of darkness around us with record cases of COVID-19 diagnoses and deaths. O come, o come Emmanuel. We need your light tonight.

Believe, and see.

In this time of pandemic, I am reminded of the 14th century mystic, Julian of Norwich. She was born into the most devastating time of the Black Plague in Europe. Julian became an anchorite, likely joining monasatic life when her family died from the plague. At the age of 31, Julian contracted the plague, and near death, she was given last rights. Living her life with an unwaivering faith in Divine Love, Julian's near death experience produced a series of 16 Showings of this Divine Love. She miraculously recovered from the plague and wrote about this experience in Revelations of Divine Love.

Believe, and see.

I imaging Julian feeding, clothing, and praying with so many who lost families during the Black Plague. I imagine the faith of a follower of Christ who risked her life to help others. I imagine her surrender to the disease and her openness to healing of Divine Love.

Believe, and see.

Julian's life was a journey to the manger. She believed in peace, and she experienced peace in the midst of death around her. There are many on the front lines of COVID-19 today who are on this journey to the manger. Their willingness to take extra shifts, to be separated from their own families, to be a light in the darkness. There are many who are writing letters, making phone calls, reaching out safely to those who are in darkness. They believe the Light is coming again, and they are sharing the Light.

Believe, and see.

The manger holds Divine Light. Tonight we stop and celebrate again the coming of Divine Light in the world. May Divine Light help you see new hope, new love, new peace, and new joy in the world tonight and in the coming days.

Believe, and see.

Lil Smith

RH Director

Spiritual Director and Supervisor


Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Welcome Light


Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Seeing Takes Courage