Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Its Never Too Late to Light the Candle

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It’s Never Too Late to Light the Candle

The Coming of Light by Mark Strand

Even this late it happens:
the coming of love, the coming of light.
You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,
stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,
sending up warm bouquets of air.
Even this late the bones of the body shine
and tomorrow's dust flares into breath.

Mark Strand’s beautiful poem offers us such a powerful invitation. . . . to believe that it is never too late. We may be behind schedule. Life may have thrown us curveballs. Snow may have fallen on the mountain, but the heat and light of the Heart still burns with passion. As long as we draw breath, we can still choose to allow our Selves to shine.

In our youth-focused culture, we are brainwashed to believe that “too late” is a driving force that limits our options. We are told that some dreams are only for the young or too ambitious, given our age. We become convinced that change only happens in certain seasons of life, that even love may be out of reach beyond a certain age.

Yes, on the cusp of 59 it is “too late” for me to become an Olympic figure skater or a neurosurgeon. I am perhaps less likely to become a lawyer or run my first marathon. But the world teems with opportunities and myriad pathways to fulfillment and happiness. I am a prolific writer and photographer. Ten years ago, I began abstract painting and I have had my work exhibited twice in art shows. I’ve spent three months traveling and working as a digital nomad in Asia. . . .alone.

In our linear, schedule-happy culture we are taught to plan in ways that don’t allow for disruptions or the expected. Can we program a moment to breathe, to see the beauty of a dandelion courageously making her presence known between the hairline fracture in the pavement? How do calendars and automated reminders allow space for God moments and aha moments? Would ivy be as beautiful if it only grew in straight lines? Would a baby’s first year be as miraculous if every milestone were achieved in tiny even steps?

I started life as an archaeologist, spending summers digging in the dirt and earning a master’s degree. But life detoured and I sojourned for more than a decade as a stay-at-home mom and “professional volunteer.” Rising through the ranks of volunteer leadership inspired me to become a leadership coach where, ironically, I discovered my spiritual side. Life’s circuitous path lead me through nonprofit capacity building and work with post-9/11 military veterans. Today, I am a writer, editor, and publisher with my own tiny indie publishing house. And, I have a growing practice as an interfaith spiritual companion and energy healer.

Who knew this was my right timing?

In this season of Advent, powered by light, with the new year approaching, sit with this invitation. . . . What wants to be born? What light is waiting to shine? It is never too late, and you are never too old, to look to the stars and declare your dreams, to see miracles happen as if the candles lit themselves.

Gretchen Martens
Interfaith Spiritual Companion and Energy Healer
Author and Wisdom Teacher


Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Light the Festive Candles


Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Move Toward the Light