RETREAT: Spirituality with Clay Brantley

Fri, Mar 22 | at Dwight Mission Camp & Conference Center in Vian, Oklahoma

Enjoy a time of spiritual growth through personal reflection. This retreat is led by a staff member of The Retreat House Spirituality Center in Grace Presbytery. These weekend retreats provide an opportunity for exploring faith and spiritual formation.

Time & Location

Mar 22, 7:00 PM – Mar 24, 1:00 PM Dwight Mission Camp & Conference Center, 100995 South 4590 Road, Vian, OK 74962, USA

About The Event

Clay Brantley

In these busy, over-stressed, highly anxious times, we want times of calm and quiet and yet even those moments, if we get them, are not enough. They are way too brief. They do not sustain us.

Deep within us, if we will but listen, is the call of Christ to be present with the depth of our souls, to explore life within us and around us, to participate in the transformation God is doing to us, with us, through us in our midst.

These crazy times become the gift that compels us into this work God’s Spirit is calling us.

You are invited to a time at Dwight Mission for deep listening, presence and transformation in Christ. This time will involve the following:

1. Connecting with God’s created world.

2. Knowing the present moment where God is encountered.

3. Experiencing the ongoing work of Spiritual God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer on our lives.

4. Forming a community of grace, acceptance, and accountability.

5. Leaning practices and disciplines that carry us into the depth of our souls in the midst of life.

6. Tasting the love, joy, peace, and patience to be present in your journey as it is unfolding at this time.

This work of depth is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit. Our task is to be open and available to participate in what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives. This is a lifelong process to which we are all called. As part of this process it is critical to have moments of gathering with others on the journey where this work gets our fullest attention. Come, you are invited.

Clay Brantley, a Presbyterian minister for over 32 years, has studied God in books and earned several advanced theological degrees. But that’s not as important for this retreat. He is a dynamic speaker received with enthusiasm by Synod Youth Workshop and SHYC as well as the national Presbyterian Church Camps and Conference Association. His heart for mission has taken him from Mississippi to Guatemala where he developed a deep understanding of “the Other.” His soul has listened for God from Ghost Ranch and Cuba to the Holy Land and the Norman Pettus Bridge. Clay’s passion is following and engaging Christ where he goes. He and his wife Crysta have two grown kids: Drew and Michaela

Retreat Information:

Adult lodging is now available at Dwight and includes the Retreat House, Guest Lodge, Walkingstick Apartment, and Tiny Homes.

New menus have been developed for our Ministry Weekends and adult palates. Please check the website for details on each of the scheduled weekends including the topic, leader, and activities.

Dorm lodging package is just $120. All meals included.

Adult Lodging upgrades are available as well.

Register for this event today as space is limited. Chose lodging when you purchase your ticket and enter your registration information.

Let us know if you have any questions. Dwight Mission Office: (918) 775-2018