The Work of New Birth

The Work of New Birth 

I always thought

I would have the moment

When my life would be forever changed

A moment of new meaning and insight and hope and joy. 

It would come in a flash

A mountaintop experience.

My life before and after would be so different

Everyone would notice the change in me.

All I need and have been searching for

I would have. 

Now I see

What hard work is required

To climb that mountain

Through the shadows of those valleys.

The path is not easy or quick or without loss.  

Now I see

What hard work is required 

To come down from that mountain

And to do the work of the new Me

To develop the capacity of heart, mind, strength and soul

To be this Me I have really been all along. 

Discipline is what is being asked.

Creating space and time for

Breathing and dancing

Meditating and loving.

Seeing what I don’t want to see

With new eyes of presence and grace. 

This maybe the hardest work

There is so much resistance

In me and the world around

There is so little time (so am I told)

To let this new life take root and slowly grow

Blossom and bloom.

This hard work is asking of me

So, so much

And I must say yes to it

Again and again and again and again and again.

The Work of New Birth 

(c) 2018 Rev. Dr. Clay Brantley