Reflections on One Year

Offerings from Regina Hunt
Morning: Reflection of the year
"The beauty and peacefulness of this place"
From the moment I arrive I feel at peace.  If I am here for a social or creative gathering I am very aware of the gentle quiet welcome that I can feel deep in my soul.  Whether in a gathering or alone, I am at peace here.  All of the worry, irritants, chaos of the "out there" stand down and away.  When I leave, I can re-engage it but am less likely to do so - at least for a while.
Afternoon: Vision for the RH Community
How might we be called by God to offer:
- Expanded community awareness that others may experience what this community is about - available, open, loving, full of spirit.
- A place of healing for those who come from that expanded awareness.
- A place for exploration of human creativity as we are all co-creators with God - be it art, music, prayer, collaboration, acceptance, understanding, justice, reaching out, peace, and most importantly, the sharing of love.
At Retreat House, we are listening for the ways we are called to live together in community and encourage one another in love.  How do you desire to tend your relationship with God today?