Music, Meditation, a Midday Meal - Magnificent

Wednesdays have become a magnificent part of our week.  "Souper Soul" Wednesdays they are.  "Souper" because we provide a vegan soup for lunch.  "Soul" because we tend the soul with a spiritual practice.  Today we welcomed music, meditation, and a beautiful midday meal.  We fed the body and the soul with compassion and caring.  Patsy Sadowski with Harp and Song led a beautiful music meditation.  Deanna cooked with love her favorite soup, black bean and sweet potato accompanied with a kale salad.  We were full.Every other Wednesday we have been accompanied by a Geography of Grace study group led by Debra Cook.  Today was their last day here, and we wish them well as they complete their training in two weeks with a celebration at Debra's home.Next week we welcome Whole Brain Prayer led by Nancy Dunkerley.  You can still register by contacting Nancy directly: nk_dunkerley@yahoo.comWe hope your Wednesday has been magnificent!With a grateful heart,Lil