I sit here today serving as the House Guide at Retreat House.  Once again, I gaze upon the large painting in The Midway called Bearing Fruit. I remember last September 1st when I was here for the house blessing.  We were asked to gaze upon the painting and then say out to the group what called to us from the painting, what spoke to us, what we noticed.  At that time, my words were, “I think I’m going to be friends with the blond woman, the 2nd one on the left.  One day, I think she will tell me her name.”After sitting with that painting quite a few times since that day of blessing, I’m now quite sure that her name is Jane.  And, she has become my friend.  Her simple smile and the twinkle in her eye say, “I’m here for you.  I’ve got your back.  I’ll be here anytime you need me.  If I could put down this watermelon and jump out of this tree, I would wrap my arms around you in an instant and give you a hug.”She is Jesus for me.  And, her name is Jane.I think I’ll keep coming back to this blessed and holy place.With Love,Elaine WeberMarch 20, 2018


Sensing the Holy


Black Bean and Sweet Potato Soup: A favorite at RH