Retreat House discusses "Together: Community as a Means of Grace"

IMG_9156As the Retreat House Community gathers and grows, we are blessed to consider the topics Larry Duggins brings to the surface in Together: Community as a Means of Grace.  Coming from a variety of Christian traditions, our stories and sharing easily flowed between us while glorifying God in this time of study and reflection we shared together.   Much of our time was spent holding the nature of humanity with the story of Grace.   We found ourselves honoring creation as created beings without the apple and the serpent, the Fall, and noticing the Grace that comes in this space where chaos leads to new beginnings, new life, new hope.These are some thoughts we take away for continued reflection:

  • We are grateful to consider the sticky places in our lives and in our home church communities.
  • The conflict with money in many arenas.
  • Long-term foundations in systems carry obstacles and blessings.
  • If people pay my salary, what is my responsibility to preach truth to them?
  • We need space to dream.
  • There are many possibilities.
  • What does it mean to grow in faith?  Seek a deepening love of God, seek a deepening love of neighbor.  It is about the process, not the product.
  • Our invitation is to awaken to a greater sense of consciousness.
  • Authentic growth leads to more concern for neighbor.
  • Sharing is safe space is life-giving.

At Retreat House, we gather quarterly for continuing education and conversation.  Our next discussion will be Wednesday, January 17, 2017 at 10 to 11:30 am.  Lunch will follow.  Our topic:  The Spirituality of Fundraising, Henri J.M. Nouwen.  You are invited to join us.With a grateful heart,Lil Smithwww.retreathousecommunity.org214-707-7591110 Mimosa Drive, Richardson, TX  75080