play full
by Lil Smith
the lights are out
the air is warm
it is uncomfortable
bored they say
no sounds
no screens
no entertainment
too quiet they say
shadowy figures
cool they say
night breezes
squeals of delight
sweet laughter emerges
the lights come on
the screens stay silent
sleepy ones camping on the floor
grateful for a new day to play
Play full was written by Lil Smith and originally published in House of Play, a publication or Retreat House Spirituality Center. Lil is co-founder of Retreat House. She is a trained spiritual director and supervisor. In the role of adjunct faculty, Lil facilitates the supervised practicum classes in the Perkins School of Theology Certification in Spiritual Direction. As a retreat leader, teacher, spiritual director and supervisor, Lil shares with others her passion for the spiritual life. She finds comfort with her clergy cohort, the Wild Mustangs, swimming, cooking, writing, creating new things and taking walks with her family. Email Lil.