Retreat House

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Photo by Emily Turner

By John Blacklock

Early in the morning sky the sun shone brightly allowing a night of wind and rain, hail and broken dreams. It seems that in God’s provision there is both joy and human pain.

Dreams tell us that one day all will be well and all of life will be at peace, but as we wait for that perfect day with souls that long for peace, there are times when we wonder if it will ever be; for the downward

thrust of human sighing brings a crack of doubt to our human tears and we are left in the mystery of faith as the storms of life grow bold.

How long must we wait, O Lord?

Surely the dark night of our souls is complete

and the rest that you have promised is near.

We are tired of waiting.

Let this time of trouble come to an end.

Shine your face upon us

and bring the time of promised rest near,

that we might find peace in the shadow of your wing.

All I see with my human eyes is a world in disarray,

a world of toil and struggle,

a world where hope and dreams have faded

into the night of doubt and despair.

When will you set us free,

O God of heaven and earth?

How long till we see Jesus coming in the sky

with hope and new life

for those who have put their trust in you?

I’m ready now to look into the eyes of Jesus

and to see his face.

I’m tired of waiting for what the world around

says will never come.

Do something to wake us up!

Send the fullness of your Spirit to heal our hurts

and to bind our wounds,

to heal the memories of the past that cling

so closely to our fragile thoughts and human fears.

Awaken us, Lord!

You are our only hope!

You are my only hope!

Everything I have ever done is a heap of human garbage

sown in the soilthat says that we don’t need help

from a god of our mythological past,

from a god who lives way-up-there

and refuses to have anything to do with us.

Wake us up, O God!

Awake from YOUR slumber and do something!

Send the power of your Spirit upon us.

Open the heavens so wide that even a snail like me

is able to see the radiance of your love,

the fullness of your grace,

and the faithfulness of your promise.

Wake us from our human bondage

and in your time send the echo of your still small voice

into our hearts and give us peace.

And as we wait for your coming Day,

I will learn the lesson of being at peace

in the midst of the storm,

and in my doubts and fears I wil trust

in your never-ending love

even as my human dreams fade into the sunset

of the life of wonder and grace

that you have provided me.

My life is yours, Lord.

I will do that you want me to do.

I will go where you want me to go.

Just say the word and I will be healed.


Lament was written by John Blacklock and originally published in House of Hope, a publication of Retreat House Spirituality Center. You can purchase a copy here.

John Backlock has been a Presbyterian minister in Missouri and Texas for 40 years. John graduated from UT Austin in 1970 with a B.A. in Political Science and History. He graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1972 with a Master of Divinity and from Fuller Seminary in 2003 with a Doctor of Divinity. John and his wife, Helen, were married in 1979. They have six children who live in Beijing, Uganda; Philmont, NM; Austin, Texas and McKinney, Texas.