Retreat House

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Daily Light: Reflections for Holy Times - Hidden Lights

Hidden Lights

No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

- Luke 8:16

Light is meant to illumine the darkness. A light in a dense clay jar will only illumine the inside of the jar. Light under a bed will only be hidden. Light in right relationship with its purpose is put on a stand to shed light on and illuminate the things around it. In this way, the light is transforming the things around it from unseen to seen.

Waiting for the Light to be born again each Advent season, I anticipate the joy the light will bring on the wondrous silent night. Joy looks and feels different this year. It feels more authentic and closer to the Holy Family. The light is intimate as it illumines my prayer space, quite different from the speading of the light I eagerly await each year at my church. The light is intimate and warm.

I notice there are places in me that have been yearning for the Light. Cold, dark places yearning to be illumined with gentleness and warmth. As the Light illumines these places in me being transformed, I give way, the tears flow, and I am blessed with healing. I am blessed with shalom.

I often say that shalom is God's greatest desire for us. Today, I sense this again. God is inviting me to this intimate, warm peace to be with the Light.

I notice I have missed this in years past. In this markedly differnt time and place of pandemic and fear, I am in awe and wonder with the Light. Welcome joy. Despite the darkness around me, the Light is shining bright.

Do you see it? Do you feel the warmth? Take time today to let the Light illumine any hidden places in you that are yearning for the Light. God is wanting to bless you with shalom.

With a grateful heart,


Lil Smith

RH Director

Spiritual Director and Supervisor