Retreat House

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Making Room for Advent

How are you making room for new creation during Advent this year?

Two days of retreat come to mind to share with you:

A Day of Retreat to Journey to the Manger:  Thursday

November 29, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Retreat House Spirituality Center

110 Mimosa Drive, Richardson

Includes Lunch

Give yourself the gift of time to listen and to prepare for the miracle of creation.How will you journey to the manger this year?What hope do you carry with you?What light is drawing you?What new creation is stirring in you?

Four meditations will be offered with time for silent reflection and journaling. The entire house will be available for you to explore these stirrings in you.

Bring a Bible and journal if you wish. Art supplies will be provided.Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Lil SmithLimited to 12 participants.  Click here to register or for more details.

Retreat House (501(c)(3) non-profit) asks participants to offer a donation, a gift to God in response to your experience 

Be Still and Know:  Opening the Treasures of Contemplative Silence

(c)2018 Lil Smith

Friday, December 7, 9 am to 3:30 pm 

Perkins School of Theology,

Prothro Hall, Dallas. 

Cost is $50 per person including lunch. 

Thus says God, the Lord,
who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread out the earth and what comes from it,
who gives breath to the people upon it
and spirit to those who walk in it:  - Isaiah 42:5 (NRSV)

Every midwife teaches breathing to an expectant mother.  Breath is the tool to ease the pain and the debilitating contractions.  As helping professionals in ministries that hold space for freedom, healing, and new birth, the Perkins CSD Program is offering a day for Be Still and Know.  This contemplative day of retreat during Advent will offer four unique invitations to breath and prayer in anticipation of the new gift to be born in you.  Click here to register or for more details.


9 am Greeting and Opening Prayer
9:30 am Deanna Hollas, MDIV, DASD - A Time of Preparation
Breathe. Welcome. Transform.
10:45 am Ruben Habito - A Time of Mindful Awareness
Contemplative Practice and Spiritual Direction:  Discerning Divine Love in Our Lives
Spiritual Practices of St. Ignatius
Noon to 1 pm Lunch
1 pm Judith Ritchie, LM,Certified Music Practitioner - A Time of Letting Go
Healing Bowl Meditation
Relieve Stress and Ease Pain
2 pm Sandy Guancial - A Time of Listening and Embracing
Centering Prayer
3 pm Gathering Up and Closing Prayer
Taize Style Worship

For registration or information, please contact the Office of Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology.
Spiritual Direction email or call 214-768-4334