Retreat House

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The God of Lullabies by Kathy Oehler

It's 2 am and I wait,to greet the God of my innocence.You, who are of gentle whisperssongs,caresses,comfort,healing,play,smiles and laughter,connection,and fierce protection.You, who I knew in the depths of my heart,The God of lullabies.Then, I stepped into the world,and You were taken,created anew in its image.Millennia passed within my soul,and You were lost in my story.Half my being died.But resurrection comes....For now, I dwell in the forest, seeking You out,The God of my innocence, the God of lullabies,That I may once again sleep secure.Please come,And sing to me again.(c) 2018 Kathy Oehler 7/30/2018