Retreat House

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Fig Jam- The Harvest Was Plentiful

RETREAT HOUSE FIG JAMThis is the story of how some beautifully ripe figs made their way into jars of jam in The Retreat House kitchen!  Early that morning, Jim climbed high on a ladder at first light to get the figs at the top of the tree; the ones ripened perfectly with their exposure to the sun.  He and Sandy loaded them into the car along with other canning supplies and Sandy, figs and all drove from her Euless home to Richardson where she and Sherry met up at The Retreat House and began their preparation.  There was a gentle washing of the figs, then quartering them, adding sugar, crystallized ginger bits, lemon juice and finally zest of lemon.  Next the cooking and stirring and watching till the mixture was just right and ready to be put in jars.  Of course a little tasting went on too!  Sherry had the final fun of dressing up the jars a bit.  By God’s provision, the harvest was plentiful and in this case, plenteous willing workers too!