Retreat House

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The Invitation

The Invitation        by Kathy Oehler - Shared at the Writers' Gathering on Friday, June 8, 2018Breathing deeply,You created.The force of Your heart’s longing shattering the universeWith love and promise.We rose from Your compulsion,A great treasure in Your eyes,Your heart breaking at our beauty,And breathlessly awaiting our response.Every day You create anew,That same compulsion,That same heartbreak,That same breathlessness.Our hearts roaming in and outOf Your embrace,So much to distract,Blind and numb we wander off.But every day, every day,Grace is imbued,Our names are whisperedThe invitation ever present.“Come, let Me love you.Come, let Me heal you.Come, let Me bless you.Come.....Come.....Come.”(c) 2018 Kathy Oehler