Retreat House

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Running Water

It has been two days of a hard freeze with a third on the way.  This created some concern for me with the new fountain in center of the Labyrinth.  So, I contacted Denise, our landscape designer with Zone 8, to ask if I should unplug the fountain.  Denise told me I should keep it running.When I arrived today after the long holiday weekend, this is what I found.  Play and listen. the midst of a cold start to 2018:I am struck by the beauty of the ice canvas that has been created.I am surprised by the echo of the bubbling water that I hear like I have never heard it before.I am grateful for the provision of a trusted advisor.I am encouraged by the energy of the running water that continues despite the plunging temperatures.I feel warmth despite the piercing wind.I celebrate the extraordinary nature of everyday life.What do you hear?(c) 2018 Rev. Lil Smith, Spiritual Director and Supervisor, Retreat House